Membership Committee
Awards – When March comes, it will be time to nominate someone who has done something awesome!
At the Spring Convention, the Missouri Chapter presents two awards which recognize two of our members who exhibit outstanding qualities that promote our profession.
The first award is the Meritorious Award. It is given to a member who exhibits leadership qualities, such as team building, receptiveness to the ideas of others, and creating an opportunity for others to be involved in projects either in the Chapter, or in their own communities. These projects should have a major impact on the profession, the Chapter, or on the member’s community. They should also create a better atmosphere in which to work and live. This individual is someone who can be recognized, or who has been recognized by others for his/her outstanding qualities and contributions. The nominee may have already been honored for his/her good work. This award has a significant financial impact on our Chapter and should not be taken lightly. The Chapter will send the winner to the National Convention to receive the award there and will be presented to members from all over the United States. This award acknowledges excellence and outstanding professionalism.
The second award is the Luella Mackin Award. It is presented to an individual who volunteers in the community and enriches it through
distinguished service. This person gives unconditionally and asks for nothing in return. Like the award’s namesake, the recipient is someone in the massage community who is dedicated and caring and is always making himself/herself available to help whenever possible. Long time Chapter members remember Luella Mackin fondly and know that she embodied the highest values of altruism in our profession. Please nominate someone who you feel best meets the objectives of the awards and bring him/her to the attention of the Awards Chair. We all know therapists who are worthy. Help us recognize them for their contributions they make to our profession and to our world. Nomination forms are available below.